S.I.A.R.T. - Sistemi Informatici Analisi Rischio Territoriale

S.I.A.R.T. - Sistemi Informatici Analisi Rischio Territoriale - srl is a Small Medium Enterprise (SME), with large experience on multifunctional
materials as well as on risk assessment, structurai reliability and stochastic modelling.
Some recent selected EU projects related to Composites and Smart Structures where S.I.A.R.T. srl was serving as partner.
RADATT, within Frame Programme 4 (FP4); CHIME, witihin Frame Programme 5 (FP5) WIND-CHIME, within Frame Programme 6 (FP6).
POWERAMP, within Frame Programme 7 (FP7).
A Leonardo da Vinci Project, coordinated in Turkey, was also successfully completed in 2014.

S.I.A.R.T. srl is currently participating in the ongoing project GEOFIT within the last EU Frame Programme for Research & Innovation, namely Horizon 2020